Contact Info

Len Anastasi EXO-TEC PresidentAddress: 330 Libbey Industrial Parkway, Suite 500
Weymouth, MA 02189

Phone: 508.580.0901

Len’s Contact Info Cell: 781.408.9040

Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am – 6 pm EST

Thanks to all our loyal customers.

Len Anastasi - Owner/President EXO-TEC

We offer the building construction industry a single source for solutions on building exo-system issues. Whether it be new construction, repairs or restorations, we have the knowledge and products to help you have a successful project that is free of problems.

Len’s Credentials

Len Anastasi has been working in the construction industry for over 30 years. He has practical field experience in performing masonry, waterproofing and restoration work. He currently owns EXO-TEC Manufacturing, Inc., EXO-TEC Solutions, Inc. and EXO-TEC Consulting, Inc.
In his construction and consulting work, he has performed inspections and repairs on over 300 buildings. Len has given expert testimony in trials and reviews on dozens of legal cases.
He is a member of ASTM’s E 06 Committee, the Boston Society of Architects Building Enclosure Council, Air Barrier Association of America, the Construction Specifications Institute, and the International Concrete Repair Institute.

Contact Us

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